一條路難同唔難, 取決於 行山者自身條件, 路況, 天氣, 所謂天時地行人和 (難度幾多星係因人而異, 只供參考, 不可盡信)
Yosemite Decimal System (YDS)
Class 1: Walking with a low chance of injury, hiking boots a good idea. You can balance with your hands.
Class 2: Simple scrambling, with the possibility of occasional use of the hands. Little potential danger is encountered. Hiking boots highly recommended. You can use a rope if necessary.
Class 3: Scrambling with increased exposure. Handholds are necessary. A rope should be available for learning climbers, or if you just choose to use one that day, but is usually not required. Falls could easily be fatal.
Class 4: Simple climbing, with exposure. A rope is often used. Natural protection can be easily found. Falls may well be fatal.
Class 5: Is considered technical roped free (without hanging on the rope, pulling on, or stepping on anchors) climbing; belaying, and other protection hardware is used for safety. Un-roped falls can result in severe injury or death.
香港漁護處既評分, 以長度, 時間, 斜度, 路況去評級, 但只適用於官方徑. 評分標準過於簡化.
美國YDS分級就以"風險" 為評分標準, 即以路況為考量.
香港既"山" 大致分為兩大系統: 山線, 澗線.
山線者, 以山路為主, 無水. 沙石泥路.
澗線者, 流水由山上流向下既路線. 以石頭沖坑為主上澗. 時而遇壁需出澗走山徑繞道. 因應季節水量不同, 但路面濕潤. 澗線, 同山線比難度不是同一層次. 一來沒有既定路線. 沿澗上爬定係由山徑繞路避險, 全憑挑戰者自己判斷. 二來石面濕滑. 三來資料沒有山線咁充足.
綑邊又係另一種玩法 (治岸邊前行), 不作詳述.
會先分為2個sub-category, 路況/體力要求
山線既路況大致可以分為 (參考YDS):
郊遊 (唔洗用手輕鬆行, 修整好既山徑, ~YDS Class1)
崎嶇山路 (沙石較多, 比較原始既山路, 唔洗落手. ~YDS Class1-1.5),
雙手輔助 (幫手平衡, ~YDS Class 2-2.5),
攀爬 (少量-全程, ~YDS Class 3-4)
險壁 (險位, 攀爬難度超高, 有死亡風險, ~YDS Class 5).
長而簡單路況都可以好難, 所以一條5星路線, 可以係麥理徑全走100km, 又可以係100米既攀崖.
會因應當日感覺主觀給予評分 (1-5星), 包含路況, 路程長遠, 體力要求, 天氣等等因素
幾多星係因應個人狀況, 看者都未必有個概念自己應唔應付到, 所以用類比方法會更易明白. 以其他差唔多路況既山路去作類比, 同時加入邊D路線類似但稍易, 應該唔到易個條就唔應該去, 會較易理解
Yosemite Decimal System (YDS)
Class 1: Walking with a low chance of injury, hiking boots a good idea. You can balance with your hands.
Class 2: Simple scrambling, with the possibility of occasional use of the hands. Little potential danger is encountered. Hiking boots highly recommended. You can use a rope if necessary.
Class 3: Scrambling with increased exposure. Handholds are necessary. A rope should be available for learning climbers, or if you just choose to use one that day, but is usually not required. Falls could easily be fatal.
Class 4: Simple climbing, with exposure. A rope is often used. Natural protection can be easily found. Falls may well be fatal.
Class 5: Is considered technical roped free (without hanging on the rope, pulling on, or stepping on anchors) climbing; belaying, and other protection hardware is used for safety. Un-roped falls can result in severe injury or death.